It is known as the set of “manuals Techniques treating ailments and diseases affecting the feet”.
Plantar warts (verrucae plantar) are benign skin lesions usually occur in areas of pressure areas. They are whitish in colour and usually have a rough appearance.
It is a very painful process in which the nail grows into the flesh of the edge of the nail, causing pain, inflammation and sometimes infection of the nail folds. It occurs most often at the big toe and can affect one or both toes.
Onychomycosis is referred to a nail infection caused by a fungus. Onychomycosis is not only a cosmetic problem, but is affecting as well the health and the quality of life of patients.
Under the term of common fungal infection (Dermatomycosis) are all fungal infection of the skin summarized.
There are a number of signs and symptoms, easy observable, that make us suspect of the presence of fungal infection in the foot: