What is a common fungal infection?
Under the term of common fungal infection (Dermatomycosis) are all fungal infection of the skin summarized.
For the foot, “tinea pedis” or “athlete’s foot” is the most common infection caused by dermatophyte fungi. Contagion occurs typically when walking barefoot in damp areas.
How do I know if I have athlete’s foot?
There are a number of signs and symptoms, easy observable, that make us suspect of the presence of fungal infection in the foot:
Diagnosis of “athlete’s foot” is confirmed with the Wood’s lamp exam. The fungus produces a change in the ultraviolet light emitted from the lamp. This change is analysed visually.
Treatment of the Athlete’s Foot
A number of hygienic measures and the application of a local topical antifungal treatment by a lotion, cream or powder will be combined. The choice of the treatment depends on the extent of the injuries and its presentation.
As in nail fungus, hygienic measures are important to cure the athlete’s foot:
Call us, we will be happy to answer your questions and to assist you in all issues related to your feet.
By appointment: 639 205 286
Monday through Friday from 9:30 to 20:30
Núñez de Balboa 107, Consulta 201; Madrid
On request: Home care in central Madrid